From his farm in the Crossroads of the Confederacy in Westpoint Tennessee, Franklin Sanders and his wife Susan publish The Moneychanger. He writes extensively on the gold and silver markets and hard money. He tells you what he thinks is going on in the markets and if he’s wrong, he’ll tell you that too.
To get a taste for his writing, an almost always daily Gold and Silver Commentary briefly recaps the markets, the moves in gold and silver, the scrofulous dollar, and a brief excerpt from history.
Don’t think Franklin is just solely focused on the precious metal’s markets. His interests are wide ranging: alternative treatments for cancer, theology, politics, education, are just a few of the topics you will read. And then you will find a monthly recap of what happened in his family and farm . . . yes Franklin also has a farm, Top of the World Farm, where he raises cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, bee hives, a few ducks, not to mention several dogs and cats.
Franklin is no government statist . . . and you won’t hear any group think. If you don’t want your thinking challenged, just move along.
Franklin Sanders is one of the better newsletter writers around. The Moneychanger comes highly recommended.